A online platform for Shorthand Speed Building, Typing Speed Building and Learning Shorthand

“Our aim is to give valuable service to the readers”
Stenoguru.com is a online platform for Shorthand learning, Hindi and English Shorthand Speed building and online Hindi and English typing speed test. Through this website candidates can learn Shorthand online. It provides opportunity to the readers for skill test preparation of Stenography, Hindi typing test, English typing test and Shorthand speed building. Also provides online Shorthand classes for readers to learn shorthand.
We regularly upload valuable online steno learning course, Shorthand dictation course, Hindi typing test exercise, English typing test exercise and online dictation typing course on the website which helps the candidates to develop their skills in Shorthand and typing test.
We provide accurate speed Shorthand dictations and Typing test dictations to the candidates to improve the speed of shorthand and typing speed. Audio dictations speed is probably 100% accurate. Online typing test application has been developed for translation of dictation through which candidate can check his/her Shorthand skill, speed and accuracy.
Steno guru.com provides audio dictations Practice courses, Shorthand speed building online course, Hindi Shorthand learning online course/classes, Hindi typing test free exercise, English typing test free exercise and English Shorthand learning online course and classes. Candidates can learn Shorthand through our valuable lessons or content. Through this, candidates can increase the speed of stenography/Shorthand and typing test. Dictation typing for transcription is one of the important feature in the website. through this candidates can check the accuracy of their Shorthand speed and accuracy. Users can inroll online Hindi steno classes and English steno classes for learning of stenography/Shorthand.
Free Dictations Courses are provided to the candidates to prepare for Shorthand Speed with latest typing test feature. Dictation typing course and Typing speed test also has been provided in website. Candidates can improve their typing speed through online typing test software. Apart from this, if the candidate wants to join any other course, then he/she can also enroll for that.
About Content
The contents of Typing Test Exercises and Dictation Test Exercises given in this website have been published only for the purpose of increasing typing and shorthand speed. It is not our intention to convey the meaning and intent expressed by the content. This content has been created for the purpose of writing practice of words and pharases and typing in shorthand language only, which is published for the convenience of our users. This content is collected from various published sources. However, if any person, group or community is being harmed or has any problem with the meaning and nature of the content, then we apologize for that. Also, to remove this type of content from the website, you can write to us at the our email address.
About Typing Test Application
Stenogru typing test apllication is one of the best solution for candidates who are preparing for clerk exam, typist exam and stenography exam. This application gives you better experience of Hindi Typing Test and English Typing Test as compared to other software in the market. It is analyse all aspect of typing skill of the candidates. Hindi typing test is one of the major difficulties to calculate accurate speed because Hindi krudev font inscrpt typing special characters do the variations in calculation of typing speed. We also provide manual typing test calculator in the website. This application give you smart features to calculate your typing test skill like- total typed words, correct words, incorrect words, net typing speed WPM, speed accuracy and missed word etc.
our popular course
Hindi and English Shorthand Dictations for Speed Building